If You Write It, They Will Come!

My latest experiment with Midjourney.com AI artwork. Creating a consistent look for a character can be a challenge, thought the platform can incorporate images as well, so this version of Michael Platt is inspired by previous illustrations (but isn't precisely the same).

Building a presence for “I Really Like Hurting You” requires constant rethinking and re-strategizing.

Right now, I’m in the midst of a promo campaign run through Written Word Media - both through a specific horror-oriented mailing list (distributed today), and a separate Facebook campaign (the latter runs for a week). It’s going to take a few days until I see the results, but in the meantime, I’m moving ahead with additional actions:

  1. I’m waiting for the proof of the paperback version of the book, which I’ll release right away if everything goes well.
  2. Readl.io, which publishes my illustrated NFT version of the book, is releasing a new version of the platform, which will offer more control over the presentation of the book (essentially, I can publish through an epub file). I’ll be releasing a second edition of the NFT, and will be a number of those in giveaways.
  3. I’m still working on developing the Horror by Sean Callister Discord channel, though I don’t have much traffic there as yet. 
  4. I’m going to be offering a number of review copies as well (let me know if you’re interested). So far, I don’t have any at all, which isn’t good.
  5. I’m preparing a short story that will be the first of the “expanded content” I’m developing, featuring both the perspectives of characters in the book and detailing events outside the scope of the book. This particular story occurs several months before “I Really Like Hurting You,” before Michael is sent to live with his father. 

I’m sure I’ll have an entirely new list next week!

I’m entirely new to the horror genre, so I’m trying to keep those lurking thoughts of absolute doom and ignore the possibility that people won’t read the book at all!


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