WE HAVE LIFT-OFF! (but I still need reviews!)

I'm thrilled to announce that my horror novella, "I Really Like Hurting You," is now in full release mode!

The ebook is available at all regular sites.
The paperback, along with the ebook, is available through Amazon

The NFT Book, which includes a special introduction and several exclusive, very atmospheric illustrations (i.e., creepy but no explicit violence), is available easily through Readl.co. -  In other words, you don't need to jump through blockchain hoops to make a purchase (for once). Plus, you'll be able to download the epub file to view on your favorite device. For those interested in horror, I want to make this easily accessible. The half-dozen illustrations really offer an extra dimension to the experience. Even if you read the book, this might be a fun supplement to the experience. 

This is just the first step in building an ongoing tale. In addition to a follow-up novella coming in just a few months, I'll publish many free short stories, illustrations, and other elements to bring readers through the life of Michael Platt and those around him.  The first short story, "Shelf," will be along very shortly. Follow me on my blog, Reddit, Mastodon, or Twitter for the inside track! I also have set up a Discord, but until I have more readers and reviews, I'm afraid that's not very active (yet) - involvement is welcome. I'm very interested in creating content that responds to the interests and curiosity of my readers.

I was also happy to see the book starting to appear on Goodreads in the "To Read" and "Currently Reading" lists.

What do I need? Reviews! If you're reading the book, please share your honest thoughts on Amazon or other sites. To bring this to the next level and promote it properly, I'm going to need to build that up!  Your feedback is essential!


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