Revised Book Description for "I Really Like Hurting You"

As I prepare to revise and renew my effort to promote my horror work, I revised my Amazon book description for "I Really Like Hurting You." I used a combination of ChatGPT, Kindlepreneur's Book Description tool, and HUMAN INPUT!  What do you think?

In "I Really Like Hurting You," Sean Callister takes readers on a thrilling journey into the depths of darkness, delving into the mind of a thirteen-year-old sociopath. 

Michael Platt is an outcast, discarded by foster homes and thrust into the clutches of his ex-con father and sadistic half-brother, Cole. Goldstrike, a desolate enclave in the unforgiving Nevada desert, becomes a breeding ground for Michael's darkest nightmares. Forced to scrub toilets for meager scraps of cash and enduring relentless beatings and torture, Michael is reduced to nothing more than a commodity. 

But he is no ordinary pawn. As the seething rage within him grows, a deadly plan takes shape, and Michael steps into the spotlight to claim what is rightfully his. If you enjoyed Stephen King's "Misery" or Bret Easton Ellis' "American Psycho," you will be captivated by the heart-pounding intensity of "I Really Like Hurting You." 

I always feel a bit awkward about using comparative marketing, but I'll bow to the AI overlords this time, as it's a common practice. The version that CHATGPT gave me initially (scroll back in the blog), was far too "salesy." I think this improves on what I had and what CHATGPT came up with.


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