I coughed, spit out some blood, and got to my feet.

“I'll pay you tomorrow.”

The book boy punched me in the nose again.

“Pay me, too.”

I barely nodded before he took his next swing.

They kept going after that, all on credit that I had no way of paying back. I wasn’t worried, though.

What could they do? Beat me up?

Unfortunately, they all scattered when two girls showed up. I didn’t see who they were at first. I was face down on the pavement.

Despite the ringing in my ears, I heard one girl shout after them.


Book Boy protested as he retreated, “He asked for it!”

“What did he ever do to you?” the other girl yelled.

I got back up on my feet.

Another boy answered her, “For real, he asked for it! Paid us!”

The boys laughed and ran off. I couldn’t make anything out through my blurred vision.

“We should clean him up,” one of the girls said, taking me by my arm. I vaguely recognized her voice.

I jerked my arm away.


“You look like a truck hit you,” One of the girls said. I tried to focus on her through swollen eyes. She was Cassie from my homeroom. “We’ll help you wash up.”


I started stumbling away, but the two of them followed me. Cleaning up was the last thing I wanted.

I looked down at the blood congealing on my shirt and touched my bashed-up face. I took out my phone to look at myself. I was smeared with blood and cut a dozen different ways. Both eyes were swollen, along with my nose and my lips.

Good Job.

I smiled, even though it hurt.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Cassie whispered.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” I told her, annoyed. “I was talking to Michael.”

She looked at her friend. She was also from school, I realized I think her name was Jen.

They were both confused.

Don’t tell them.

“I won’t,” I promised Michael.

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