I turned the corner, but the girls kept following me. I stopped to face them.

“Five dollars per hit. I don’t have money now, but I’ll get it.”

They stared at me as if I was speaking another language.

“Why are you paying people to hit you?” Cassie asked.

“Everyone wants money,” I told them, “If you want five hits, I’ll give you a bonus and pay you for six.”

They stared again.

“We don’t want any hits,” Jen said. She was one of the love-the-school types that always talked about throwing away trash and not bullying. And now she thought she had a new cause. 

“Easy money,” I told her, “and a discount.” 

Cassie shook her head, “Nobody wants to hit you.”

“Then leave me alone,” I told them. I turned and continued walking, hoping they would lose interest and return to where they came from.

But they followed me.

“Why do you want people to hit you?” Cassie asked.

I ignored her.

Jan actually ran ahead of me and tried to block my way.


I tried to walk around her, but she moved with me.

“Move,” I told her.

Cassie stood next to Jen. They had some crazy idea they were going to stop me.

“This is weird. Why would you do this?”

“You could have a concussion,” Jen said.

Cassie nodded, “Where do you live?”

“I have to go now,” I told them.

They didn’t move.

“I’m going to be late!” I told them, which was more than they needed to know.

Michael was expecting me.

Cassie walked up close, standing inches away, “I think there’s something wrong with you,” she whispered.

“Think what you want.”

“Where are you going?” Jen asked.

I wished they would stop with all of their questions.

“None of your business.”

Cassie looked back at Jen, “We better go with him.”

I forced my way between them and hurried down the street, but I didn't run. 

Still, they followed me all the way back to the boulevard, down past the McDonald's, past the burned-out restaurant, and to the corner of the next block to the long-dead L-shaped strip mall. The entire place was fenced in, and the stores had boarded up. "No Trespassing" signs were everywhere.

But they still followed me through the fence.

Michael was not going to like this.

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